The Team

Fluency in:
English & French
Phone Number:
+54 911 6929 4559
Patricia Kuyumdjian de Williams
Specialist in Family Law & Successions.
Graduated in 1981 with honors from the Law School of Salvador University, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduated in 2001 as specialist in family law, from Buenos Aires University.
Won «Editorial The Law» prize in 1981, and in 1984 was awarded with a Scholarship by CONICET whose research was: «A future adoption law. Interdisciplinary aspects».
This professional activity has led to important clients abroad, on issues derived from family relationships of all kinds and has a strong specialization in Family Law and Successions, both in national and international spheres.
- Memberships: IAFL – International Academy of family Lawyers and AIJUDEFA
- Speaker at the International Academy of Family Lawyers in the annual meeting held in Seville, March 2015; Amsterdam, May 2016; and Tokyo, May 2018.
- Speaker at the 1st AIJUDEFA International Congress held at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in December 2018.
- Invited by the Hague Conference to be part of the Organising Committee of the HCCH Forum on Domestic Violence and the Operation of Article 13(1)(b) of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention (Forum), which took place in SOUTH AFRICA IN JUNE 2024.
- Assistant Substitute Professor of Family Law and Successions, Faculty of Law, the University of Buenos Aires since 2002.
- Assistant professor of Bio-law, Faculty of Health Sciences, Catholic University of Argentina, since June 2010.
- Lecturer in the course Bioethics 2006 Children’s Hospital Ricardo GutiérrezJune-August 2006.
- Professor of Seminar on Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires. Bioethics and Family Law, 1st
Quarter of 2005. - Postgraduate Professor of Family Law, Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires. Course: Bioethics and Family Law, given in 2005.
- Professor of Seminar on Medical Ethics – since 2004 until the date indicated by the Faculty of Postgraduate Study of Health Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina.
- Guest Professor in Postgraduate specialization in Family Law, Faculty of Law, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, since 2003 until the date indicated by the University.
- Guest Professor, Doctorate of Medicine, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, in 2003.
- Guest Professor, a postgraduate course in Family Law and Successions, in 2000, in the Department of Law at the National University of the South. Bahía Blanca.
- Coordinator of the ‘Fifth Congress on Family Law’ organized by AIJUDEFA, held in Porto, Portugal from 11 to 15 June 2024. Theme: ‘International Relocation of Children and Adolescents’.
- Speaker at the International Congress on Child Abduction: the 1980 Hague Convention. Global proposals from the Mediterranean’, held in Malaga, Spain on 23 and 24 November 2023, organized by ASIME (Association of professionals against international child abduction in Spain). Theme: ‘Implementation of the Conventions on international return in Argentina’.
- Speaker at the VII Congress of Practical International Lawyers, organized by the Murcia Bar Association, through its Section of Private International Law, from 16 to 18 November 2023, held in Murcia, Spain. Theme: ‘FILIATION AND CHILD ABDUCTION’.
- Speaker at the ‘International Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Family Lawyers’ held in Santiago de Chile. Chile, from 6 to 10 September 2023. Theme: ‘Comparative law- Family law in Latin America. Hot topics in Argentina in Family legislation’.
- Presenter and speaker at the IV International Family Law Congress, organized by Aijudefa in Cancún, México in June 2023.
- Speaker at the Aijudefa Seminar held in San Pablo, December 2022.
- Speaker at the International Family Law Conference organized by Aijudefa in Seville, May 2022
- Speaker at the IAFL Atenas in May 2022.
- Speaker at the 1st AIJUDEFA International Congress held at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on December 5th-8th 2018. Topic: “Conflicts regarding international relocation. How to prevent them and possible solutions. “
- Speaker at the International Academy of Family Lawyers Annual Meeting held in Tokyo, Japan, from May 30th to July 2nd 2018. Topic: “International Restitution of Child Support and Family Maintenance in Argentina and Other Countries Within Mercosur. La Hague Convention of 2007.”
- Coordinator of the panel discussion on bullying at the 2nd Euroamerican Congress on Family Law, held on October 12th-15th, 2016 in Montevideo, Uruguay, organized by the Euroamerican Academy of Family Law.
- Speaker at the IAFL (International Academy of Family Lawyers) European Meeting panel discussion held at Amsterdam, Netherlands, on May 25th-28th, 2016. Topic: Spousal alimony.
- Presenter and speaker at the IAFL Spanish-Portuguese Law Symposium held at Seville, Spain in March 15th, 2015. Topic: “Minors: theory and practice in the international sphere. Parental responsibility and custody rights. Change in the usual place of residence. International restitution of children. Communication rights and staying contact. Alimony.
- Speaker at the 1st Chilean-Argentinian Conference on Family Law, held at Diego Portales University in Santiago de Chile on November 24th-25th, 2014. Topics: “Compensation allowances in the new Argentinian Civil and Commercial Code” and “International Return of Children. Jurisprudence of Argentina’s Supreme Court of Justice. The Need for a Model Procedural Law.”
- Co-Author of “Inheritance Law in the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation”. Editor: María Cristina Mourelle de Tamborenea. Ad-Hoc Publishers, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016, Chapter IX: Partition & Chapter X: Collation Co-Author of “Family law in the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation”.
- Editor: María Mourelle de Tamborena. Ad-Hoc Publishers, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015. Chapter IX: Procedural regulations of divorce and related questions.
- Co-Author of “Human Life, family and bio-law”. Coordinator: Dora García Fernández & Angélica Laurent Pavón. Anáhuac Publishers, Mexico D.F., Mexico, 2015. Adoption of cryogenically preserved embryos. Benefits and objections.
- “The need for a new insight on international relocation of children.” Journal on Family Law, Succession and Bioethics. Erreius, March 2019.
- “Procedure rules for operating within the Conventions on International Child Abduction”. (co-written with Victoria Granillo Ocampo). La Ley, January 3rd, 2018.
- Increasing and updating the alimony quota. Children over 18. Proposals. Family law. Interdisciplinary Journal of doctrine and jurisprudence N°51. AbeledoPerrot – Buenos Aires, September 2011.
- Babies a la carte Facing new eugenics – Life and Ethics. Publication from the Institute of Bioethics of the Catholic University of Argentina. Year 11. N°1.10. Aniversario Buenos Aires, June 2010
- The transfer of a minor to another province and the rights of the parent without custody. Guidelines. Commentary of jurisprudence. Family Law. Interdisciplinary Journal of Doctrine and Jurisprudence. LexisNexis. AbeledoPerrot. 2004, Number 1.
- The legal status of the embryo in Argentina. Life and Ethics. Publication from the Institute of Bioethics of the Catholic University of Argentina. Year 5 No2. Buenos Aires, December 2004.
- Cloning: Legal world view. Legal limits vs. freedom of investigation. Effects on Family Law. Life and ethics. Publication from the Institute of Bioethics of the Catholic University of Argentina. Year 4. No1. June 2003.
- The Human Genome Project and its implications. La Ley – 3rd April 2001.
- “Adoption of cryogenically preserved embryos: Benefits and Objections” in “Human life, family and bio-law”. Editors: Dora Garcia Fernandez & Angélica Laurent Pavón. University of Anáhuac. Tirant lo Blanch Publishers. Mexico D.F.2015.
- “Application of the Convention of International Restitution of Minors through the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Justice of the Nation”. Interdisciplinary journal of family low. Lexis Nexis. Abeledo Perrot. 2013.
- Co-parenting. Model to follow after the cessation of cohabitation, written in partnership with María Verónica Britos, Solange Embarbe, Agustina Oropesa, María Josefina Patiño Araoz and María Cecilia Queirolo, paper presented in the XVII Congress of Family Law. Families and social challenges, which took place in Mar del Plata, from the 22nd to the 26th of October 2012.
- Filiation and techniques of Assisted Fertilization: The need to redefine the terms Filiation, Prenatal Adoption and Eugenics, paper presented in the Seminar of Experts on Bio-law. CELAM., Buenos Aires, Argentina, 27th – 29th of August, 2007.
- Declaration of anticipated wills or living wills. The need for legal regulation, written in conjunction with Dr. Susana de Rodríguez de la Torre and presented in the XI Argentinian and Latin-American conferences on Bioethics, in Rosario, 20 – 21st of November, 2006.
- A challenge: Protecting future generations from the future scientific advancements in the face of new Eugenics, written in conjunction with Dr. Susana de Rodríguez de la Torre and presented in the X Argentinian and Latinamerican conferences on Bioethics, in Mar del Plata, 13-15th of October, 2005.
- HIV – AIDS. Exceptions to professional confidentiality and secrecy. Obligation or Right, presented in the VIII International Congress of the Law of Damages, organized by the Buenos Aires Association of Lawyers, from the 9th to the 11th of June, 2005.
- Shared Custody, presented in the XIX national conferences of Civil Law, Rosario, 25-27th of September, 2003.
- Adoption in the development of the Civil Code, presented in the national conferences of the unification and reform of the Civil and Commercial Code, convened by the Commissions of General Legislation of the Honorable Chambers of Senators and Deputies of the Nation, 25th August, 2000.
- The human genome and the right to privacy, presented at the first conferences on Bioethics and Law, organized by the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics and the Association of Lawyers of Buenos Aires, August, 2000.
- Active legitimization in the action of contestation of matrimonial paternity, presented in 2 Interdisciplinary Conferences of Family Law and Minors. Morón, 24-26th October, 1991
- Coordinator of the round table on Bullying in the second Euro-American conference on Family Law, 12th-15th of October 2016, Montevideo, Uruguay. Organized by the Euro- American Academy of Family Law.
- Speaker in the round table of the “European Meeting” of IAFL; held in Amsterdam, Holland, 25th-28th of May 2016, organized by IAFL (International Academy of family Lawyers). Topic: Spouse’s Alimony
- Coordinator of the round table on international restitution in the first Euro-American congress of Family Law, 18th-20th November 2015, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by the Euro-American Academy of Family Law.
- Speaker and Moderator at the Symposium of Spanish and Portuguese Law; celebrated in Seville, Spain, 25th March 2015, organized by IAFL (International Academy of Family Lawyers). Topic: Minors: Theory and Practise in the international arena. Parental responsibility and the law of custody, change of habitual residence, international restitution, communication and visitation schedule, alimony.
- Speaker in the first Chilean-Argentinian conference on family law, 24th-25th November 2014, Santiago, Chile. Diego Portales University. Topics: “Compensatory provisions in the new civil and commercial code of Argentina” & “International Return of Minors. Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. The need for a procedural model of law in Argentina”
- Founding member of the Euroamerican Academy of Family Law. Founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina 2014.
- Representative member of Argentina of IAFL. International Academy of Family Lawyers, since 2013.

Fluency In:
English & Spanish
Phone Number:
+54 911 4497 6720
Javier Bautista Kuyumdjian
Specialist in Civil & Commercial Law.
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1959. Graduated as a lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in 1987.
He has developed his professional career in “Kuyumdjian & Williams Law Firm” specializing in commercial law matters in areas related to business companies, corporate disputes, shareholder agreement, insolvency and bankruptcy, civil and commercial litigation and foreclosures.
Permanent participant, in congress, seminars, courses, and conferences dealing with the above-mentioned issues. Also involved in the “Armenian” community in Argentina.
- Member of the City of Buenos Aires Bar Association.
Practice Areas:
- Civil and Commercial Law: Specializing in employer legal advice, conflict resolution, judicial and extrajudicial

Spanish & English.
Phone Number:
+54 911 6929 4549
Gabriel E. Williams
Specializes in Inheritance Rights and Succession Planning.
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1957. Graduated as a lawyer from at Salvador University in 1982. Over 30 years in the profession, in the field of Civil and Business Law. Specializing in Corporate, Bankruptcy and in the branch of Civil Law, in leasing contracts and country clubs among others.
Throughout his career, he has participated actively in the Commercial Law Committee of the Association of Lawyers and has been incorporated several time into the Executive Board of the Argentine Institute of Commercial Law.
He specializes in inheritance rights and succession planning.
- Member of the City of Buenos Aires Bar Association.
- Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires and San Isidro.
Areas of practice:
- Civil and Commercial Law: Specializing in legal advice entrepreneur, urban locations, country club regulations, general contracts, foreclosures, and bankruptcies.

English & Spanish
Phone Number:
+54 911 6002 6891
Santiago Williams
Specialist in Legal Advice Entreprenaur, Corporate Law and Litigation
He attended a postgraduate course in the UK, at the London School of English, aimed at young professionals, and in 2013 undertook a Master’s in Business Law at the University of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain. In 2017 he completed a two-year Master’s Degree in Corporate Law at Saint Andrews’ University in Buenos Aires. He is pursuing a Master’s degree in Tax Law at Austral University (Buenos Aires). He is currently in the second and last year of the program and will get his degree in 2021.
Santiago made his entire career outside the Firm until he joined in 2013, after gaining experience in a variety of different places. Worked as a trainee in the judiciary, in the legal department of the company Cliba and in prestigious law firms such as O´farrell, Etala and Bullo.
Director of the Buenos Aires Bar Association. President of its Youth Commission (2017/2018).
- Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires.
Practice Areas:
- Commercial Law, specializing in legal advice entrepreneur, international corporate law and tax law. Labour Law: litigation and contracts.
February 2013 – February 2013 (One month). Invited by the Illustrious College of Lawyers Barcelona (ICAB), to give a talk on the relevance of Latin America and the global panorama of the continent.
He explained, from an objective standpoint, the advantages and risks of the most attractive countries for investors, which are: Brazil.
Opportunities, risks and criteria to take into account when starting a business in Latin America University Alcala de Henares (Madrid) 3th April, 2013.
Analysis of the different countries of Latin America base on the economic policies “open or closed” The Jurist (El Jurista)– Daily Catalonian legal paper 114th February, 2013.
How to take advantage of the legal benefits offered by Latin America. Latin America offers many opportunities for investors and business owners to establish themselves in the region. This is owed to a variety of factors, mainly the European economic crisis, China’s search for premium materials and huge middle-class consumption.
According to him, it is necessary to know and understand the risks and benefits of every Latin American country and to take this advice into account when trying to navigate the difficulties each legal system. NewsEsp 5th March, 2013 The internationalization of Law.

Fluency In:
English & Spanish
Victoria Granillo Ocampo
Specialist in Family Law - International Restitution of children.
Graduated as a lawyer from the Catholic University of Argentina in 1999, and in 2001 to 2002 specialized in Family Law, once again at the Catholic University of Argentina.
She has worked continuously in the field of family law, specifically in the area of the protection of children’s rights, initially at the National Council for Family and Children, from 1999 until 2003 ( now the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and the Family), and then at the Ministry of Foreign and Religious Affairs, from 2003 to 2016.
In the latter organization she worked as a legal consultant at the Administration of International Legal Assistance, the Argentine Central Authority for the application of restitution agreements for children and other means of international protection for minors, participating in international forums and representing the Argentine State at talks, conferences and meetings on the subject matter, all of an international nature.
She has given seminars and training workshops on the subject of the international restitution of minors, and she has participated in the development of instruments of soft law in the heart of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the Ibero- American Network of International Legal Cooperation. She has also participated in the development of a legal project to regulate the proceedings of the restitution of minors.
Now she is applying her trade in the family courts, taking part in both domestic and international cases.

Susana Rodriguez de la Torre
Specialist in Family Law
Lawyer, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the National University of Cordoba. Specialist in Family Law, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires.
Masters Degree in Biomedical Ethics from the Institute of Bioethics – the Faculty of Postgraduate Study in Health Sciences at the Papal Catholic University of Argentina.
Professor of Civil Law V, Family and Inheritance in the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires Author of articles relating to Family Law and Inheritance and Biomedical Ethics.
Practitioner of law relating to family and inheritance for more than forty years.

Andrea Inés Podestá
Lawyer. Mediator. Specialist in Family Law.
Regular Associate Professor of Family and Inheritance Law at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) Law School. Postgraduate Lecturer in the Master’s Program in Family Law – National and International Offerings – at UBA Law School. Chair Professor of Inheritance Law and Associate Chair of Family Law at UCES (University of Business and Social Sciences). Practices law independently. Author of various articles on Family and Inheritance Law. Co-author of multiple books on the subject. Speaker at Family and Inheritance Law seminars and conferences.
Kuyumdjian & Williams
For questions, concerns or advice send us your inquiry, via our contact form or call and we will gladly help.
| Buenos Aires – Argentina |